Saturday, March 5, 2011


"My good friend is always so mean to me. She is constantly putting me down and I just don't know how much longer I can take it. What do I do?"

Oh man, what I really want to tell you is.......quit being a pussy. Grow a set and tell her to shut her fat mouth. Make fun of her and see how she likes it. Everyone has something about them that they are insecure about and if you are as good of friends as you claim to be, you know what it is. Use it against her. It may be the only way to make her see what she is doing to you. And, where the hell are your other friends while this biz is happening?! Do they just sit idly by like assholes while Queen Bitch is rude to you?! Because that is not what real friends do! If I knew someone was relentlessly torturing one of MY friends it would be on like Donkey Kong. My specialty is the verbal assault but I am not against using my hands to take a broad down. Hell, I will take a dude down. Done it. 

Anyway, Oscar Wilde said that a "true friend stabs you in the front" but it sounds like your friend is taking it to a whole new level with her bitchiness. If you are going to continue being friends with her (for some unknown reason) I guess the best way to figure it out is to do a list of pros and cons. If you end up with more pros than cons, you're going to have to deal. She is definitely a bitch, but probably deep down a good friend that will always have your back. You just need to convey to her that if she doesn't stop with the insults that you can't be friends anymore. If you have more cons than pros, kick that bitch to the curb. You don't have to take that shit. And, tell her that if she EVER says anything to you or about you, that might cause your feelings to be hurt, that you have people...people that hurt people...and do so enthusiastically. I got your back.

For real though, if you get anything out of this I hope its that you need to stand up for yourself, for god's sake. Jeesh. 

And that is...WHAT I THINK! HA!

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