Wednesday, March 2, 2011


"I have been married to my wife for about 10 years and I love her dearly. However, when we met she was a size 6 and still wore make-up. Now she is a size 16, never wears make-up, never does her hair, wears sweats, etc. You get the point. I will never love her less but I am not really that attracted to her anymore. I don't want this to happen so how do I bring this up without being totally rude?"

This is a hard one because I don't see how you can actually say to your wife, "Wow honey, I really hate how you have let yourself go" unless of course you want the Asshole of the Year award. However, you may be able to fix it for yourself without ever saying a word. For instance, you don't want to see her in sweats everyday? Give her a handful of cash and tell her to go shopping. Your treat. Women eat that shit up and trust me when we go out and get new clothes the first thing we want to do is wear them day in and day out. You want her to care more about her appearance? For god's sakes take the woman out!! Maybe she wants a REASON to put on make-up and do her hair. If you set up certain nights (or days) where you have dinner or lunch dates she will want to look nice for you and herself. As for the weight gain, maybe you can buy gym memberships together and make a "date" of working out three times a week. It's easier to have motivation for that sort of thing when you have a partner making ya go.

If you do all this and you find that you are still feeling the same way then I want you to do this: look in the mirror, pal. You have also gained weight, you're losing your hair, and she hates the way you tuck your shirt in like Urkel...but she still loves you too. It's called marriage. You take the good with the bad because there are no guarantees. If that is what you're looking for, go live with a car battery.

And that is...WHAT I THINK! HA!

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