Thursday, February 24, 2011


"The guy I have been dating for about a year is all of the sudden wanting to try new things in the bedroom. I'm not necessarily opposed to it but I'm scared that he is eventually going to ask me to do something I am uncomfortable with. I don't want to lose him because he thinks I am a prude. What should I do?"

First of all, you should never feel as though you HAVE to do something. Especially if it makes you uncomfortable. If your mate doesn't understand that then you shouldn't be with him anyway. With that said, experimenting sexually is F-U-N. I'm not saying go crazy and buy a giant squirrel costume or a leather mask equipped with a ball gag. Just slowly dip your feet in the shallow end of the pool of eroticism. You never know what you like until you try it. And, if you do try something and you don't enjoy it then make your voice heard. At least you tried and now you know you don't like it. Experimenting is the only way to know what makes you AND your partner hot and bothered. Besides, I imagine that hanging tough missionary style has gotta get boring. I mean, I literally would have to "imagine" because I'm a fucking porn star. Too much information? Click that little red box up in the corner with the "X" inside of it. If you're still with me then listen up, nobody (including women) wants to be with a humdrum lover. It's not about being a prude or not, it's about exploring yourself sexually to see what gets your goose...and his. It can be as simple as adding lingerie here and there or having sex in rooms besides the ones with beds in them.

Anyway, I have a feeling that you are a closet freak so don't be afraid to let go of some insecurities and just be in the moment. Also, I want to reiterate that it's OKAY to have limitations. I've done pretty much everything within the sexual arena and I've discovered that I've even got a couple restrictions myself. For instance, I'm an EXIT ONLY kinda gal, if ya catch my drift. Tried it, didn't like it, never again. And, obviously this is also not too much information because you are still here.

And, that is....WHAT I THINK! HA!

1 comment:

  1. Might I add, when trying new "things" make sure you both agree on a stop word or action, one that lets you both know it has gone beyond the realm of safety and into uncomfortable.
    I agree 100% on if he asks and gets angry or pushes you when you are uncomfortable, he is not the guy for you.
