Wednesday, February 23, 2011


"I don't know why I can't break free from Facebook!! Why is it so addicting?"

Ya know, I have also fallen victim to the lures of Facebook. I don't know why I am so hooked either. Maybe it is because some of us don't have peeps in our immediate vicinity that care so we reach out to the FB peeps in order to gain sympathy, laughs, shared anger, etc. What I do know is that most of the shit people post is fucking ridiculous and I honestly can't here I go. I normally go with the flow and when someone posts something totally annoying I bite my tongue, YES, ME of all people bites their tongue. Well, not tonight people. Are you ready for a rant?!

I don't give a shit what you are having for dinner so I'm sure you can guess that I don't want to see a picture of it either. I'm sorry you are sick or in pain but if you are that ill then get off your fucking computer, take some drugs, and go lay down. You have an ingrown toenail? DISGUSTING dude, we don't care. Awesome that you just ran 10 miles or worked out for an hour. I'm super duper proud of you. But we don't need to know EVERY DAY that you are doing this. I take a shit every day (yes, I'm very regular) but I don't have to post that I am doing so. Simply put somewhere for your hobbies that you are a runner or that you love to exercise, we will figure it out. You're tired? Go to fucking bed, seriously. Going night-night? Fucking go then. Why on earth would you need to post that when we wouldn't know whether you were there or not?! You LOVE your husband or wife? Shut down the computer, turn around, and for god sakes say it TO them. We, as in your FB friends, already know you love them. Your marriage is soooooo perfect, wonderful, and flawless? I'm going to have to call BULLSHIT on that. NOBODY has a "perfect" marriage.

Now, I'm not saying I haven't done some of these things a time or two...but mostly I try to amuse myself and you.  And, I probably just lost 100 friends with this bloggio but what the hell...I probably had their asses hidden from my newsfeed anyway.

And that is...WHAT I THINK! HA!


  1. SHIIIT that wasn't that bad!! lmao, Truth hurts some peeps sometimes... I guess , and WTF haha I am laughing so hard at the main question...and as always cracked me up :)

  2. Where's the button so i can like this post! ;P

  3. Perfect Amanda!...I am now going to become a follower...I have to disagree with you about the food pics though, in fact, if someone is going to have something good for dinner, I would rather see a picture than hear about it. Same goes with going to the bathroom, going to bed, loving their significant other, oh, and especially being get the picture, right?
