Wednesday, January 26, 2011


"There is this girl. She is absolutely adamant that she is head over heels in love with me. Or something like that. However, this is not a girl I would normally find myself dating. Not that she's unattractive, because I find her totally hot, she just has a whole carton of baggage. And not your run of the mill everybody's got baggage kind of baggage. The worst thing is she's about as flaky as a stale croissant. She never follows through with what she says she's going to do. My question is this...does this chick genuinely sound interested to you? Or should I go on about my life like I pretty much have been?"

AGAIN, I should never give dating advice so do what you want with this tidbit of advice...

I'm reading this and the first thing that comes to my mind is, "Why the F would you want to date someone with 'a whole carton of baggage?'"  Then moments later, I thought, "Why the F would you want to be with someone 'flakier than a stale croissant?'"  Then I realize that I myself was packing around enough baggage to hold a year's worth of clothes, shoes, make-up, and whatever ridiculous knick-knacks you are bringing back for the brats when He Who Shall Never Be Named asked me out.  Additionally, I am probably FLAKIER than a stale croissant (true story, ask any of my friends).  Should you wrap yourself in the drama and craziness that more than likely accompanies this broad just for some ass??? NO NO NO, I am here to tell you it is not worth it.  But should you get involved in her drama possibly for love? I say go for it.  I mean, what do you have to lose?  Except maybe some nights where you wish you could stick a fork in your eye because her baggage is now YOUR baggage.  Or, she bails on you for the hundredth time and you're stuck holding the bag. Ya never know, you may even come to understand her quirks and maybe even why she is so flaky...could have something to do with her "baggage."  I mean, you could be the guy that turns it all around where eventually she could only have a backpack to carry around.

I don't know, my friend, I guess it depends on how much of yourself you are willing to give for this chick. All I do know is that He Who Shall Never Be Named took a chance on me and we are in love...the good, sex-filled, true kind...even with my flakiness (yes, that doesn't go away) and my baggage (which he now helps me carry).  So I guess my advice is this: If you don't take the chance, how will you ever know?

And that is WHAT I THINK...HA!

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