Wednesday, April 13, 2011


"So, just now while taking care of business I found my first gray pubic hair. Wondering what to do? Should I shave them all and run the risk of looking like a seven year old, color them, or just roll with being Santa with two elves?"

I hope by "taking care of business" you mean keeping that crazy, aging bush trimmed up. The 80s bush is so...1980s. Anyway, that's a whole other blog entry. Onto the subject at hand, the pube that stands alone...but probably not for long. Just sayin'. I'm going to say go with the flow, man. Let that little guy grow old gracefully ;) Shaving every other day will not only be uncomfortable but it's not going to hide those pesty gray pubes because the itchy stubble will also be gray sooooooo that's not going to work. The coloring of them would be a cool trick but if you decide to do this, you will have to color your happy trail, chest hair, mustachio, get the point. Where does it stop? I'll tell ya, it's doesn't. It will be a never ending cycle of being hunched over painting your junk with a dye brush for the rest of eternity. Or until you get sick of it and realize that it's just NOT RIGHT for an 85-year old to have a blond or black bush...or red. Ew. Besides, nobody is THAT vain...right???

And, that is...WHAT I THINK! HA!

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