Thursday, February 3, 2011


"I can't stand my sister, my cousin, hell half of my family...
what do you do when you hate the people you are supposed to love?"

First of all, "hate" is such a strong word. I mean, I'm all for it when talking about exercise orrrrr salad...but when talking about your family?? Noooot okay. Besides, I wouldn't know because I freaking butt-love my family...even the ones that aren't blood. However, in some cases, there are situations where cutting a family member out of your life is totally valid. I have a friend who has given her mom so many chances its kind of ridiculous...and in my opinion that beezy should have been cut loose years ago. Anyway, I guess it depends on how they have wronged you. It's a thin line but I would say if it's something you can forgive a friend for, then definitely you can forgive a family member. If it is something that you could never forgive the friend for and you hope they fall off the side of the earth into a fiery pit, then even with time some family members should be pardoned (obviously with some exceptions, i.e. abuse). I've been on both sides of this where I have been apologized to and where I have had to suck it up and be the apologizer...and sometimes it's painful, I know. But their your FAMILY, the peeps that have your back no matter what. The peeps that would take on the bitchiest girls in your new school because they were mean to you. Or, the peeps that would call someone out for dogging your mom. Or, the peeps that would drive 2 1/2 hours to give a beatdown to some broad talking smack about you. Shit, I would do all of this just for a friend...lord knows what I would do for my family :)

If you think about this and you realize that your family really hasn't done anything in particular, you only "hate" them because they just plain grate on your nerves, I suggest to stay away from them until the holidays when you HAVE to hang out with them. Then put on a happy face and get over it because it's only a couple of times a year that you have to put up with their annoying asses, and they are family. Besides, just because they are your kin doesn't mean you have to be friends with them. All in all, life is too short to "hate" the people that you are related to. Especially since they could possibly be the only people in the world to knock a bitch of her barstool while breaking a beer bottle on an adjacent table to maim if needed and not care about the consequences.

And that is...WHAT I THINK. HA!

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