Wednesday, January 19, 2011


"I find myself hating my job, there is zero challenge in it and quite frankly I've gotten lazy. I want to be in a bigger town where I could possibly have some resemblance of a life. However, the idea of picking up and moving scares the Jesus out of me...but my Mom is gone, my sister has her own life, and my 18-year old daughter is doing her own thing...I'll miss my friends here, but I have friends everywhere...cause doggone it...people like "What do you think?"

WELL, Gia, I think I answered this on Facebook but let me elaborate...GET THE FUCK OUT!!! It sounds as if you are STUCK and the only thing holding you there is friends. Friends that I am sure would support you 100% with whatever decision you make. And, did you say you were scared?! WHAT?! Maybe that feeling you are having isn't fear but EXCITEMENT of the thought of change. You need to put on your big girl panties and step out into the big world...think of the possibilities!!! Besides that, you never know what tall, dark,and handsome deliciousness you might find out there. Because let's be real lady, you ain't finding that shizz Gold Beach...

And that is WHAT I THINK...HA!

1 comment:

  1. Word! I need to fill out my PD100 and just see what happens...worse that can happen is noone wants to hire me right? Don't know if I don't try...thanks for the advice, love ya darlin!
