“I’m kind of
dating two girls…I know, I know, I’m a bad person. I have to figure this out though
because one of them has given me an ultimatum. She is going to move on if I
don’t commit.”
You are not a “bad person” because you are dating two
girls. As long as you aren’t married, you haven’t defined the relationship with
either of them, and you wrap that shit up. Seriously, throw a condom on...maybe
two, depending on who it is you are dating. For real though, I “like” about 42
different guys. Forty one of them are rockstars, actors, athletes, and hot
doctors. Yes, hot doctors…what’s not to like? Anyway, there is nothing wrong
with liking more than one person at a time. I honestly believe the human
species is probably not supposed to be monogamous. You don’t have to act on it
but inside everyone is interested in more than one person. I have to say
though, whenever I am given an ultimatum, I’m out. It’s just so needy. I feel
like if you have to throw out an “or else” then something is already not
working. Why would you want to start off a relationship when you have to work
at it right off the bat? That’s no fun. Annnnd, that is what relationships are
supposed to be…FUN. Of course, I am so low maintenance when it comes to this
biz. I dated a guy once, we lived a couple of hours away from each other, and he
kept saying, “How are we going to make this work?” I replied with, “How about
we don’t worry about that and just do this until it isn’t fun anymore?” Because
when you put too many stipulations on a relationship it becomes more of a
business agreement and not spontaneous and free like it should be. So with that
said, here is a checklist for you since you apparently HAVE TO decide.
Does one make you laugh more than the other?
Is one a better kisser than the other? Better at
sex? This is right up there with laughing…
Does one of them get along better with your family
and friends? This is also an important one.
Does only one of the two give you blowjobs? Go a
couple of years without one and you’ll see how important this one is.
Is one more high maintenance than the other?
Is one more compatible to your way of thinking?
Like the same music?
Does one take a better after morning Polaroid?!?!?!
If you still can’t figure it out after the pros and cons
checklist then you need to grow some balls and tell Ultimatum Girl to kick
rocks. If she really likes you, she’s not going anywhere. How does that saying
go? Set it free, if it loves you it will come back or some shit? I would go
with that theory because if you’re not feeling it 100%, and you obviously
aren’t or you wouldn’t be sweating it, then what is the point?!