Tuesday, April 5, 2011


"How would you define true love and do you really have control over it?"

Control love?! I wish!!! There are a lot of lost days and nights that I could have back if we could control love. That would be great though, wouldn't it?! If there was an ON/OFF switch for love???!!! You could be heartbroken one second and then POOF, flip that switch and you are all better :) Love is a beautifully complex thing and it wouldn't be if we could define it or control it. On that note, how do we know we are falling in love? 

Do you feel butterflies when he/she walks in the room?
So many butterflies that you feel like you're going to barf?
Do you smile and laugh a lot? 
Laugh so hard that you almost pee your pants?
Does this person make you feel good about yourself?
So good that it doesn't matter what clothes you're wearing or if you have make-up on?
Is this person constantly on your mind?
So much that you can't focus on anything?!
Do you think about your future with this person?
Like marriage, kids, buying a home together...getting a dog?
Do you try to be a better person for this guy/girl?
For instance, not beating up your ex's new girlfriend/boyfriend? ;)
Do you feel like you found your best friend?
Someone that you would do anything for and in return would do anything for you?
Is it the best sex you have ever had in your life?
I'm talking blow-your-socks-off sex where you're still thinking about it the next day? 

Although all of these things are tell-tale signs of falling in love, the most important and probably the major giveaway is if you can't imagine your life without this person in it. Because if you can't...then I gotta say, you're probably in LOVE. And when the butterflies fade and you know all their faults and you STILL love them...I guess that would be TRUE LOVE <3

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